Causes of Intellectual Disability
There are many and diverse causes of intellectual disability, and many of the causes of intellectual
disability also cause other significant disabilities or health problems and can be associated with
characteristic physical features. For example people with Down’s syndrome have a characteristic
appearance and are more likely to have heart abnormalities diagnosed at birth. They are also likely
to develop dementia as they get older. It is possible to identify the cause of the intellectual disability
in about 30 to 40 % of people but the majority have no reason identified.
Classification of Intellectual Disability
People with intellectual disability vary in their abilities and needs for supports and getting to know
someone is often the best way of finding out what they need and how best to provide this. However
one of the characteristics that determine how much support as person needs is the degree of
cognitive impairment that the person has. For this reason a very common way of classifying level of
disability is based on IQ. The range of IQ that defines each category is broad, and there is some
overlap between categories.
People with borderline intellectual functioning will have an IQ score between 71-84. About 6% of the
general population fall into this range. Usually they will have no evident problems in their day to day
life but may struggle when challenged. Although they may need supports they are often not eligible
for these because their IQ score is too high.
People with a mild intellectual disability have an IQ score between 50-55 to approximately 70
This is the commonest level of intellectual disability and about 2 % of the general population will
have an IQ in this range. Many have no problems out of the ordinary and can lead reasonably
independent lives, although they may need support in managing complex situations and in crisis.
These people may have problems in reading, writing and handling numbers and money, and may find
getting employment and housing difficult. Many do not receive formal services and often live with
the support of their family and friends.
People with a moderate intellectual disability will have an IQ score between 35-40 to 50-55. Typically
a person with Down’s syndrome will fall into this range, which makes up about 0.2% of the general
population. People with this level of impairment are often able to attend to their personal hygiene
and to get dressed, and perhaps to make a simple meal but will require supports with most domestic
activities and to access community facilities. Often a cause for the intellectual disability can be
identified and there is increased risk of other medical problems such as epilepsy.
Severe intellectual disability (IQ 20-25 to 35-40) and profound intellectual disability (IQ below 20) are
often grouped together because it can be difficult to separate IQ scores at this level. They form
about 0.08% of the general population. People with this level of cognitive impairment are usually
unable to attend to even basic needs and may need support with toileting, washing and dressing.
They may have very limited ability to communicate and many have no language.
The cause of
intellectual disability is often identifiable and structural brain abnormalities are often present.
People in this category often have mobility problems, epilepsy and other medical issues.
Key Learning Points:
An IQ score can be useful as an
approximate global indicator of
intelligence, but it may not be a direct
indicator of a person’s abilities in real life.
Intellectual disability has many different
causes. Some causes have a range of other
effects including physical health and
Classifying the level of disability can serve
as a rough guide to the level of supports a
person may need and may indicate
whether they are likely to have additional
problems. However, the level of disability
cannot describe what each person will be like
and what specific supports they might need.
Module 1 - Introduction to Mental Health Problems
in People with a Dual Disability